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Zobor Ltda was founded in March 1963 by Milan and Inge Kliestinec. Started manufacturing heads for cutting and laminating threads and rolling mills. In 1974 the company was transferred to the city of Sorocaba, where it began the manufacture of cores for threading. In the mid-1980s, it started manufacturing screw and notched (Roto-FLO) roll bars, at the request of some customers who had a hard time finding them, because there was no domestic manufacturer. Always evolving, ZOBOR currently manufactures almost every line of tools for laminating and cutting threads and splines.

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Zobor now has 100 employees and a wide production in the sector of cutting and laminating tools, they are: cores for threading; laminating males; rolling mill rolls for machine; head to laminate and cut thread; roll and sector; rolling bars; cossinetes; besides the tools, Zobor also produces thread rolling machine.

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